As a D.C.-based reporter, my passion is vividly illustrating economic policy and its effects on real people in order to hold those in power accountable.



In my current role at POLITICO, I report on Congress for the newsroom’s economic policy teams, including financial services and labor.



Before this, I reported on labor for POLITICO throughout the first years of the pandemic, shining a light on the inequality that burgeoned when the workplace imploded and how policymakers’ respones did — or did not — address it.

I’m particularly proud of my coverage of how child care’s collapse hit Black and brown women hardest; the racial disparities inherent in unemployment insurance; the way surges disparately impact women; inflation’s targeting of the most vulnerable among us; and, most recently, why Congress’ failure to invest in paid leave and child care will likely exacerbate gender and racial inequality for generations to come.



This website houses a highlight reel of some of my best work as well as a near-complete portfolio, among other things.